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Barclays New Frontiers

Barclays New Frontiers

JE3 joined hundreds of decision makers and thought leaders in finance and technology at the annual Barclays New Frontiers (BNF17) conference in London. A superb around event with great speakers. Topics ranged from artificial intelligence (AI) to cryptocurrency, featuring world class speakers and companies.

In these topics, speakers highlighted their potential to bring benefits to business and their implications which would need to be mitigated. AI in particular, which was the dominant subject of the conference. Cloud AI group (Microsoft) VP Joseph Sirosh shed light on data farming giving oxygen for AI, stating “every part of behaviour on this planet is becoming digital…you are using AI every minute of every day, on your phone.”

Barclays’ Head of Client and Customer Experience Matt Hammerstein, described AI as being “the fourth dimension of economic growth.” This is a nod at AI and machine learning being a vital element in not just commerce, but the economy as a whole.