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JE3 first Jersey-owned business to become Cyber Essentials assessor

JE3 first Jersey-owned business to become Cyber Essentials assessor

We are pleased to announce that JE3 has recently become a Cyber Essentials Certification body; the first business in Jersey to hold such a certification.

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials (CE) is a UK Government-backed, industry-supported security certification scheme. The scheme is designed to help organisations protect themselves from common internet-based threats.

The scheme – with which JE3 is now certified as an assessor – provides guidance to organisations of all sizes to measure their defences against common forms of cyber attacks.

Backed by industry – including the Federation of Small Businesses, the CBI and a number of insurance organisations – the scheme involves the CE Requirements document and the Assurance Framework. The former sets out the necessary controls, while the latter shows the independent assurance process and different levels of assessment that organisations can apply for.

Who created the Cyber Essentials Scheme?

National Cyber Security Centre collaborated with industry to develop CE as a set of basic technical controls for organisations. Launched in June 2014, the scheme enables businesses to gain a Cyber Essentials badge, which certify the business’ cyber security against the most common threats.

How would my business benefit from being Cyber Essentials certified?

Since October 2014, the British government requires that all suppliers with certain information handling contracts be CE certified. The Jersey government has made a similar requirement for certain contracts from 2018 and all suppliers by 2020.

Aside from government regulations, your business can particularly benefit from having information security professionals assess your business and recommend improvements. This is especially beneficial in the ever-growing prevalence of the Internet in our lives. According to the Government of Jersey’s Cyber Security strategy, a key on-island organisation experiences 4,000 cyber attacks every day; surging to 12,000 on certain dates. The implications of a cyber attack are costly and dangerous.

As a Cyber Essentials certification body, JE3 has two certified assessors who can look at a business’ defensive capabilities against cyber attacks. If you would like to obtain the Cyber Essentials certificate for your business and/or to be taken through the process, you’re welcome to get in touch.

For more information about CE, please visit our Cyber Essentials page.